Monday, 18 July 2016


Your beauty is like that of a rose,such delicacy and fragrance that everyone knows,the loveliness satisfies even the most obscured,and beauty such as this can't be described in one word,

The aroma of a rose is so fragrant,and just like it,you have that same lovable scent,a scent that can be smelt from miles away,and must be followed at any time of any day,

Your skin is so soft and gentle,it has the tenderness of a newly picked rose petal,a feeling that soothes the very edge of your fingers,and when not being felt,that soft feeling still lingers,

The thorns contribute to it's protection,but this kind of pain gives greater affection,and just like the thorns,you can also harm,not only a guys heart,but also his love and his charm,it all depends on the way you are retrieved,tenderness and delicacy are what should be achieved,

Your beauty is like that of a rose,such delicacy and fragrance that everyone knows,the loveliness satisfies even the most obscured,and beauty such as this can't be described in one word

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