Saturday, 3 September 2016

our journey begins with a choice to get up, step out, and live fully........!

our journey begins with a choice to get up, step out, and live fully........!
 life i discovered has many adventures, ups and down but i was never that shattered how much am today.. my thoughts were about to explode my brain if i don't give them words.... my decision were wrong many times but i learn from them today my decision made me regret for each step i took.. feels like my decision made a worst fate i could ever get... i wants to return to the time where i started taking decision being selfish... i always had flamboyant in my thoughts about us... but today some things just erased my entire good memories all whats left behind is cruel activities i always neglected....... yes you was always the same you are today... i thought theirs something different no only my virtual fairy world imagination was different... today don't know why i believe on 'maktub' may this was my fate today where i reached my complete world has changed... i proud on my some decisions they are are recidivist it was me who never judged today when things are crystal clear its hard to trust... but yes you are a murderer you killed my trust n faith... i will not destroy uh cause you are already on path where you'll destroy yourself..... all the very best Nd very true good bye..!

P.S: i just wants to write something that justify someone thoughts...!

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